23rd Feb 2017, Coimbatore, 5:30 pm


Introduction and Follow-up of IPGI:                                    Prof Viney Gupta                    10 min

Minutes of the first meeting and salient points:                Prof Sushmita Kaushik           10 min

The way Forward                                                                      Dr SirishaSenthil                     15 min

Discussion 5 min

Steroid Induced Glaucoma in children: The problem and possible solutions

Chairperson: Dr Anil Mandal    Moderator: Dr Mayuri    Convener: Dr Madhu Bhadauria

  1. SIG blindness:                                                                    Dr Viney 6 min
  2. Strategies for prevention :                                               Dr Kirti   6 min
    Stop OTC prescription and have a change in the governmental policy!
  3. Areas of research                                                               Dr Sirisha 12 min
    1. Why is VKC more in boys?
    2. In India we do have significant number of girls with VKC! Why?
    3. What does it decrease with inset of puberty
    4. Why do we have late onset / adult onset VKC in India?
    5. Role of sex hormones in the exacerbation or resolution of VKC?
    6. Seasonal variations in the allergic pattern in VKC?
    7. Regional distribution of VKC across India.

Case scenario

  • VKC recent onset topical steroid use, IOP 40, Normal disc:     Dr Prafulla (5 min)
    • Immediate management
    • Follow-up
  • VKC “sos” topical steroid use, IOP 40, Advanced GON:            Dr Manju (5 min)
    • Immediate management
    • Follow-up
  • What does “monitoring” mean                                                        Dr Mayuri (5 min)
  • How often should we check IOP after administering steroids in children


Management options

  1. Choice of medical management                                               Dr Purvi Bhagat (6 min)
    1. PGA, Timolol, CAI, Bromonidine
    2. Any role of SLT in older children
  1. When surgery required, what is the first choice                    Dr Sushmita (6 min)
    1. Trabeculectomy always? MMC always?
    2. Maybe a primary tube in select cases
    3. Cyclophotocoagulation in select cases
    4. Goniotomy
  • 2nd-ipgi-metting